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Model Configuration

You can configure how Tabby connect with LLM models by editing the ~/.tabby/config.toml file. Tabby incorporates two distinct model types: Completion and Chat. The Completion model is designed to provide suggestions for code completion, focusing mainly on the Fill-in-the-Middle (FIM) prompting style. On the other hand, the Chat model is adept at producing conversational replies and is broadly compatible with OpenAI's standards.

With the release of version 0.12, Tabby has rolled out an innovative model configuration system that facilitates linking Tabby to an HTTP API of a model. Furthermore, models listed in the Model Registry may be set up as a local backend. In this arrangement, Tabby initiates the llama-server as a subprocess and seamlessly establishes a connection to the model via the subprocess's HTTP API.

Completion Model​


To configure the local model, use the following settings:

model_id = "StarCoder2-3B"


The llama.cpp model can be configured with the following parameters:

kind = "llama.cpp/completion"
api_endpoint = "http://localhost:8888"
prompt_template = "<PRE> {prefix} <SUF>{suffix} <MID>" # Example prompt template for CodeLlama model series.


For setting up the ollama model, apply the configuration below:

kind = "ollama/completion"
model_name = "codellama:7b"
api_endpoint = "http://localhost:8888"
prompt_template = "<PRE> {prefix} <SUF>{suffix} <MID>" # Example prompt template for CodeLlama model series.

mistral / codestral​

Configure the mistral/codestral model as follows:

kind = "mistral/completion"
api_endpoint = ""
api_key = "secret-api-key"

Chat Model​

Chat models adhere to the standard interface specified by OpenAI's /chat/completions API.


For local configuration, use:

model_id = "StarCoder2-3B"


To configure Tabby's chat functionality with an OpenAI-compatible chat model (/v1/chat/completions), apply the settings below. This example uses the API platform of DeepSeek. Similar configurations can be applied for other LLM vendors such as Mistral, OpenAI, etc.

kind = "openai/chat"
model_name = "deepseek-chat"
api_endpoint = ""
api_key = "secret-api-key"