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πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ Models Registry

Completion models (--model)​

We recommend using

  • For 1B to 3B models, it's advisable to have at least NVIDIA T4, 10 Series, or 20 Series GPUs, or Apple Silicon like the M1.
  • For 7B to 13B models, we recommend using NVIDIA V100, A100, 30 Series, or 40 Series GPUs.

We have published benchmarks for these models on for Tabby's users to consider when making trade-offs between quality, licensing, and model size.

Model IDLicense
TabbyML/CodeLlama-7BLlama 2
TabbyML/CodeLlama-13BLlama 2
TabbyML/DeepseekCoder-1.3BDeepseek License
TabbyML/DeepseekCoder-6.7BDeepseek License
TabbyML/CodeGemma-2BGemma License
TabbyML/CodeGemma-7BGemma License
TabbyML/CodeQwen-7BTongyi Qianwen License
TabbyML/Codestral-22BMistral AI Non-Production License
TabbyML/DeepSeek-Coder-V2-LiteDeepseek License

Chat models (--chat-model)​

To ensure optimal response quality, and given that latency requirements are not stringent in this scenario, we recommend using a model with at least 1B parameters.

Model IDLicense
TabbyML/Mistral-7BApache 2.0
TabbyML/CodeGemma-7B-InstructGemma License
TabbyML/Qwen2-1.5B-InstructApache 2.0
TabbyML/CodeQwen-7B-ChatTongyi Qianwen License
TabbyML/Codestral-22BMistral AI Non-Production License